الاول في علاج الملوحة

Earthquick is a liquid fertilizer rich in calcium chelated by lignosulfonate to facilitate plant absorption.
Earthquick is a compound that has the ability to treat soil salinity. .
Earthquick treats and nourishes the plant at the same time as it not only removes the effect of salinity but also encourages plant growth..
Earthquick contains a high percentage of Di-Calcium ions which replace the mono-Sodium ions and eliminate the effect of salinity..
Earthquick The plant helps to get rid of the symptoms of stress caused by increased salinity because it contains the lignosulfonic acid. .
Earthquick contains calcium, which affects the movement of carbohydrate transport in the plant, and also increases the plant's ability to resist diseases.
Earthquick is used for the prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency in all field crops, vegetable crops and fruit trees..Atrium Salis It is recommended to use the Atrium Cialis compound on field crops, vegetables and fruits, and it can also be used with any irrigation system.
%w /v | Content |
13.8 % | - CaO |
52 % | lignosulfonic acid |
It is recommended to be used for all types of crops, whether for foliar spray application or injected into the soil:
Treatment method | treatment |
100-200 ml / 100 liters of water | foliar spray |
1.25- 2.5 L /acre According to the condition of the crop | ground treatment drip irrigation |
• Atrium Salis should not be mixed with any compound containing sulfur or phosphorous or any alkaline solution.