Turisei K

Turisei K contains a high concentration of potassium, completely soluble in water and easy to absorb into the plant in a way that suits foliar spray and ground fertilization..

Turisei K  The use of this fertilizer leads to an increase in the yield either by increasing the size of the fruits or by increasing the filling of the fruits

Turisei K  contains potassium, which helps in pouring the tubers and filling the fruits and helps in transporting nutrients inside the plant..

Turisei K  contains potassium, which works to regulate the permeability of cellular membranes and increase the efficiency of the photosynthesis process and carbon assimilation, thus improving the growth of the vegetative system, which is reflected in an increase in the size and quality of the crop. .

Turisei K improves the quality of the fruits by giving colour, flavor, size and hardness and thus increases the shelf life of the fruits..

Turisei K It is preferable to use Torsi K during the periods of ripening and filling the fruits

صائصه عالية الجودة

Contentsw/v %
Potassium K2O K2O45%

The crop Usage rate Watering Ground additions drip irrigation
Tomatopepper At a rate of 100-200cm/100liters of water1-1.5 L / acre
the strawberryAt a rate of 100-150cm/100liters of water0.5-1.5 L/acre
grapesAt a rate of 200-250 cm/100liters of water1.5-2 L /acre
citrus At a rate of 100-300cm/100liters of water1.5-2 L /acre
peppereggplant 200 – 300cm / 100 liters of water1-1.5 L / acre

• Torsi K is miscible with most fertilizers and pesticides. It is not mixed with copper compounds, mineral oils and highly alkaline materials.