Cultivar 40-0-8

Cultivar 8-0-40  A highly soluble powder fertilizer in water, containing a high concentration of potassium.

Cultivar 40-0-8  It contains potassium in the form of potassium nitrate, which is the best and easiest way to absorb potassium in the plant, which acts as a carrier of the elements inside the plant.

Cultivar 8-0-40  It contains a high concentration of potassium. It is used as a spray on the leaves in all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Cultivar 8-0-40  Because Cultivar contains a high percentage of potassium, it is easy to absorb and easily accumulates in the fruits in the last stages, which helps to ripen the fruits and strengthen the cell walls.

Cultivar 8-0-40  Potassium has an important and powerful role in stimulating flowering and inhibiting knots.

Cultivar8-0-40  improves the quality of the fruit quality by giving color, flavor, size and hardness and thus increases the shelf life of the fruits.

Cultivar 8-0-40 helps and improves the transfer of other nutrients from the leaves to the fruits.Cultivar 8-0-40 is manufactured from high quality and homogeneous raw materials.

8 % Nitrogen         N

40 % Potassium       K2O

13.8 % Sulfur       S

The cropFoliar sprayWateringStage of use
vegetable crops Tomato - Potato - Cucumber  2 - 4 kg / acre
2 - 4 kg / acre
  150200 غ/100  liters of water  During the middle growth stage after flowering and knotting
Field crops 2 - 4 kg / acre 2 - 4 kg / acre   During the growth stage of the spike
Fruit crops24  kg / acre150200 g/100  liters of waterDuring the middle growth stage after flowering and knotting
  Decoration plants  24  kg / acre  100150 g/100  liters of water  If necessary